But only if you want to.
I started giving out the Faneds (based on popular vote) in 2011. They promote and celebrate Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy fanzines and all who contribute to them.
Though fannish in nature, the quality of writing and criticism in them is often astonishingly high. ECDYSIS by Jonathan Crowe (currently nominated for an Aurora Award) and BROKEN TOYS by 11-times Hugo nominee & Rotsler Award Winner Taral Wayne are particularly noted for their very thoughtful, literate and well-written essays and articles (often reflecting wider interests than SF&F topics).
Though Canadian zines are few in number compared to American or British zines, they are as varied and interesting as any. Our first Canadian expression of “amateur SF&F magazines” appeared in 1936 with the publication of THE CANADIAN SCIENCE FICTION FAN by an unknown editor (name not mentioned in a Donald Wollheim review) who became the recipient of the first Faned “Hall of Fame Award” in 2011. My point being that Canadian SF&F fanzines date back to the very beginnings of organized SF fandom. We are not newcomers.
If you are interested in amateur literary phenomena, check out my Press Release and Ballot. Just click on “Weird Zines” (in the banner masthead above) and then “Faned Press Release.”
And if you are already a reader of Canadian SF zines, then copy the Ballot portion of the article into a word document and follow the instructions if you wish to vote.
By the way, OBIR Magazine counts as a fanzine, belonging to the category of “Perzine” or “personal fanzine,” but since I didn’t begin publication till this year, and the 2015 Awards celebrate Zines published in 2014, OBIR is not eligible. But NEXT year…