Well, maybe not a personal blog.

I remain astonished at how much time my personal projects take up. I hate to realise I literally don’t have the time to maintain a blog. Use socialmedia, they say. I can’t. Two semi-professional mags, weekly reviews for Amazing, contributions to FAPA, my new perzine, aiding a 92-year-old pioneer helicopter pilot write his memoirs, and occasional stabs at my novel, consume enormous amounts of time and energy. On a typical day I’m at home working on my computer anywhere from twelve to fourteen hours at a stretch. The rest of the time I’m too exhausted to do anything except read or watch a movie.

So, what I’ve decided to do is write a monthly blog for my perzine. That you can read when I post the zine on this website. Not much of a personal promotion website, but all I can manage.

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