Well, maybe not a personal blog.

I remain astonished at how much time my personal projects take up. I hate to realise I literally don’t have the time to maintain a blog. Use socialmedia, they say. I can’t. Two semi-professional mags, weekly reviews for Amazing, contributions to FAPA, my new perzine, aiding a 92-year-old pioneer helicopter pilot write his memoirs, and occasional stabs at my novel, consume enormous amounts of time and energy. On a typical day I’m at home working on my computer anywhere from twelve to fourteen hours at a stretch. The rest of the time I’m too exhausted to do anything except read or watch a movie.

So, what I’ve decided to do is write a monthly blog for my perzine. That you can read when I post the zine on this website. Not much of a personal promotion website, but all I can manage.

Great Galloping Ghu! issue #1 available for free download!

Yep! The first issue of my new perzine (personal fanzine) is free for you to read. Contains articles on novel writing, H.P. Lovecraft, ancient Greek and Roman literature, my life as a 15-year-old science fiction fan in 1967, and my account of a 1981 train ride to the ancient Mayan city of Palenque… with pictures!

Just go to “Great Galloping Ghu! Current/Back Issues” and click on the link.