R. Graeme Cameron has been active in SF Fandom for more than 50 years.
He has won 4 Aurora Awards and was inducted into the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (the Aurora Awards people) Science Fiction Hall of Fame in 2019.
He has been writing his “Clubhouse” columns for Amazing Stories (Online) Magazine since 2014.
He currently publishes two semi-professional fiction magazines, free for readers to download but contributors are paid, titled Polar Borealis and Polar Starlight. They are read in 101 countries. Polar Borealis has won 2 Aurora Awards to date.
The first science fiction convention he attended was the Toronto Triple Fan Fair in 1967.
He first joined the British Columbia Science Fiction Association at its second meeting in 1970.
He provided the film program for VCON #1 in 1971 and has been to most VCON conventions since. He presented the Elron spoof awards and ran the writers workshops at VCON for twenty-odd years. VCON he twice chaired: VCON 25 in 2000 and VCON 41 in 2016. He was Fan Guest of Honour at VCON 41.5 in 2017.
Past fannish publications have included Auroran Lights, BCSFAzine, Beloved Binema, The Canadian Science Fiction Fan, Corruscating Conundrums, The Ditto Master, Entropy Blues, The Fanactical Fanactivist, Fanac Follies, The Frenetic Fanac Review, The Pleasure of Ruins, Space Cadet, and WCSFAzine.
His current zine fanac consists of Entropy Blues (for FAPA, the Fantasy Amateur Press Association) and Great Galloping Ghu! (to be published on this site).
He firmly believes the whole point of being a science fiction fan is to have as much fun as possible.